Page 69 - Rural Potential
P. 69

LECP 328: Develop a LCC S.M.A.R.T. Action Plan to complement the White Paper - Ireland's Transition to
          Action 71
                             a Low Carbon Energy Future, 2015-2030 and the Public Sector Energy Efficiency Action Plan

          Local Measure/     •  Draft S.M.A.R.T. Action Plan developed as part of ISO 50001 and a ‘Register of Opportunities’ for
          Indicator           energy savings, large and small, across LCC in place

                             NRDP Pillar 1: Supporting Sustainable Communities
          National Outcome
                             Obj: Building better communities

          Lead Body          LCC Energy Office

          Support Agencies   SEAI

          Timeline           Q4 2016

                             LECP 329: Consider development of pop-up exhibits and stalls in public spaces to provide information
          Action 72
                             and promote sustainable energy use and the benefits of energy efficiency improvements

          Local Measure/     •  Energy awareness proposal developed for Energy Awareness Week
          Indicator          •  Percentage take up of sustainable energy schemes

                             NRDP - Pillar 1: Supporting Sustainable Communities
                             Obj: Building better communities
          National Outcome
                             HI: Creating active friendly environments

          Lead Body          LCC Energy Office

          Support Agencies   SEAI / DkIT

          Timeline           Q4 2016

   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72