Page 19 - age_friendly_plan
P. 19

LECP 278: Build on the Genio-supported ‘Flourishing with Dementia’ collaborative programme to foster
          Action 18
                             a ‘dementia friendly’ supportive environment

                             Support people as they age to maintain, improve or manage their physical and mental health and
          Link to NPAS

          Local Measure/     •  Pilot sustained

          Lead Body          AFA

          Support Agencies   HSE / DkIT / LCC

          Timeline           2016 - 2022

                             Support, link and further improve existing partnerships and initiatives that aim to support older people to
          HI Outcome
                             maintain, improve or manage their physical and mental wellbeing

                             LECP 276: Sustain and extend the Cultaca model of personalised care service brokerage and promote the
          Action 19
                             SLIPWAY service innovation concept to address frailty in the community

                             Support people as they age to maintain, improve or manage their physical and mental health and
          Link to NPAS

          Local Measure/     •  Both projects underway with increased number of service users
          Indicator          •  Project extended to South Louth

          Lead Body          AFA

          Support Agencies   HSE / DkIT / LCC

          Timeline           Q4 2017

                             Support, link and further improve existing partnerships and initiatives that aim to support older people to
          HI Outcome
                             maintain, improve or manage their physical and mental wellbeing
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