Page 24 - age_friendly_plan
P. 24
LECP 232: Roll out active communities walking programmes in all LSP areas and support new walking
Action 25
Remove barriers to participation and provide more opportunities for the continued involvement of people
Link to NPAS as they age in all aspects of cultural , economic and social life, in their communities according to their
needs, preferences and capacities
Local Measure/ • Programmes in place
Indicator • No. of participants taking part
Lead Body LSP
Support Agencies SI / Age & Opportunity / LCC
Timeline 2018
Develop a plan to promote increased physical activity levels across the population, as an example of how
HI Outcome
HI will work
LECP 238: Support, link with, and further improve existing partnerships, strategies and initiatives that
Action 26
support older people to maintain, improve or manage their physical and mental wellbeing
Support people as they age to maintain, improve or manage their physical and mental health and
Link to NPAS
• Extent of integrated approach
Local Measure/ • No. of collaborative initiatives
• No. of initiatives held in libraries to support older people
Lead Body HSE
Support Agencies AFA / LCC / Age and Opportunity / LLS
Timeline 2016 - 2022
Support, link with, and further improve existing partnerships, strategies and initiatives that support older
HI Outcome
people to maintain, improve or manage their physical and mental wellbeing