Page 2 - Disability Inclusion Plan
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National Disability Inclusion Strategy
The National Disability Strategy 2017-2021 was launched in July 2017. The objective of
the Strategy is to provide a whole of government approach to improving the lives of
people with disabilities both in a practical sense, and also in creating the best possible
opportunities for people with disabilities to fulfil their potential.
The strategy will be delivered through 5 pillars:
1. Equality and Choice
2. Joined up Policies and Public Services
3. Employment
4. Person-Centred Disability Services
5. Transport and Accessible Places
There are 114 actions, some which will be delivered at national level and there are many
which can be delivered through a whole of local government approach through the Local
Community Development Committee (LCDC) membership. In line with best practice, Louth
LCDC can link the National Disability Inclusion Strategy (NDIS) to the Local Economic and
Community Plan (LECP), the Healthy Ireland (HI) for Louth Plan and develop the Louth
Disability Inclusion Plan (LDIP).