Page 4 - Disability Inclusion Plan
P. 4

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan


            County Louth is a county where everyone can enjoy physical and mental health and
            wellbeing to their full potential, where wellbeing is valued and supported at every level
            of society and is everyone’s responsibility. Louth LECP Community Actions aligned to
            National Disability Inclusion Strategy 2017-2021:

                                                        Louth LECP

                                                     Healthy Ireland for
                                                        Louth Plan

                  Priority Theme 1:                   Priority Theme 2:                    Priority Theme 3:
                   Shared Space                      Shared Knowledge                     Shared Wellbeing

               Louth Disability Inclusion   Louth Disability Inclusion   Louth Disability Inclusion   Louth Disability Inclusion
                      Plan                     Plan                    Plan                    Plan

              HI Goal 1: Create an environment                   HI Goal 3: Protect the   HI Goal 4: Increase the
              where every individual and sector   HI Goal 2: Reduce Health              proportion of people who
               of society can play their part in   Inequalities  Public from Threats to   are healthy at all stages
                 achieving a healthy Louth                       Health and Wellbeing          of life

                               Greater participation
               Improved employment to         Fewer people experiencing   Confident, healthy,   Thriving, resourceful urban   Better connectivity & more
                 national average  in education & skills   consistent poverty  resilient communities  and rural economies  sustainable futures

                                                        Louth LECP

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