Page 47 - Healthy Ireland Main Plan
P. 47
Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022
Z1.4 Housing Structure
Z1.4.1 Households
In 2016 the CSO Census of Population confirmed that there were 45,448 households in
Co. Louth.
Z1.4.2 Local Authority
Rented Housing
A 1.9% decrease in the national population (from 9.8% to 7.9%) living in local authority
rented housing at national level was recorded over the 20 years to 2011. In 2016, 8.3%
(393,198 persons) of the national population was living in local authority rented housing.
The table below identifies the Co. Louth EDs with the highest proportion (above 20%) of
population living in local authority rented housing in 2016.
Figure 13 – Highest Rate Local Authority Renting 2016
Source: Pobal HP Deprivation Index 2016 - Haase, T. and Pratschke, J.