Page 54 - Healthy Ireland Main Plan
P. 54
Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022
Map 9 – White Irish Traveller Population
Z1.7 Single Parent Families
The CSO Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) 2016 confirms that lone
parents are more likely than any other social group to be living in poverty.
Table 26 – Lone Parent Poverty Rate (Children Under 18)
Base Year 2016 Indicator 2016
Median Real Household Disposable Income €22,845
Mean Real Household Disposable Income €25,353
Median Nominal Household Disposable Income €23,090
Mean Nominal Household Disposable Income €25,625
Median Equivalised Real Disposable Income €13,693
Mean Equivalised Real Disposable Income €14,648
Median Equivalised Nominal Disposable Income €13,840
Mean Equivalised Nominal Disposable Income €14,805
At Risk of Poverty Rate 40.2%
Deprivation Rate3 50.1%
Consistent Poverty Rate 24.6%
Source: CSO StatBank / Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) / SIA16 / Select from table SIA16