Page 10 - Rural Potential
P. 10
LECP 153: Facilitate cross-community representation on the LCDC, PPN, JPC structures and other
Action 6
Local Measure/ • Representation in place and structures operating effectively
NRDP - Pillar 1: Supporting Sustainable Communities
Obj: Empowering local communities
National Outcome
HI: Examine rationalise and streamline the work of intersectoral groups
Lead Body LCC
Support Agencies LLP / HSE / NERDTF / AGS
Timeline 2016
LECP 154: Develop a volunteer strategy for Louth to address the barriers to volunteering, whilst
Action 7 promoting and supporting the value of the volunteering to the individual and its positive impact on local
• Increased numbers of people volunteering especially amongst the unemployed, young, active retired
and groups at more risk of social exclusion
Local Measure/ • Increased awareness of benefits from volunteering and Local Volunteer Centre
Indicator • Research and monitor the motivations, gaps in volunteer causes/activities and volunteering levels and
types in Louth
• Increased numbers of organisations participating in Volunteer Manager Forums and training
NRDP - Pillar 1: Supporting Sustainable Communities
National Outcome Obj: Making rural Ireland a better place to live
HI: Analyse existing community support infrastructure
Lead Body LVC
Support Agencies LCDC / LLP / DkIT / LMETB / PPN / LCC / LEA’s / HSE / Schools / CNN / AFA
Timeline Q1 2017