Page 7 - Rural Potential
P. 7

LECP 148: Create ‘active friendly ‘environments using a participatory planning approach and the
          Action 3
                             principles of universal design
          Local Measure/
          Indicator          •  No. of playgrounds, appropriate facilities/equipment and recreational spaces in place

                             NRDP - Pillar 1: Supporting Sustainable Communities
                             Obj: Making rural Ireland a better place to live
          National Outcome
                             HI: Creating active friendly environments

          Lead Body          LSP (LCC)

          Support Agencies   HSE / LLP / AFA

           Timeline          2016 - 2022

                             LECP 149: Provide safe recreational facilities/shared spaces where children and young people can gather
          Action 4
                             in an inclusive and confident way

          Local Measure/     •  Youth Cafés developed in Dundalk, Ardee, and Omeath based on Drogheda model
          Indicator          •  No. of events in local libraries for young people

                             Goal - NRDP - Pillar 1: Supporting Sustainable Communities
                             Obj: Making rural Ireland a better place to live
          National Outcome
                             HI: Creating active friendly environments

          Lead Body          LCC

          Support Agencies   Community & Youth Groups / LLP / CNN / AGS / LLS

           Timeline          2016
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