Page 28 - age_friendly_plan
P. 28

Action 30          LECP 284: Facilitate businesses to become ‘Age-Friendly’ Champions

                             Remove barriers to participation and provide more opportunities for the continued involvement of people
          Link to NPAS       as they age in all aspects of cultural, economic and social life, in their communities according to their
                             needs, preferences and capacities

          Local Measure/
          Indicator          •  No. of businesses involved

          Lead Body          AFA

          Support Agencies   CoC

          Timeline           2016 - 2022

                             Support, link and further improve existing partnerships, strategies and initiatives that aim to remove
          HI Outcome         barriers to participation and to provide more opportunities for the involvement of older people in all
                             aspects of cultural, economic and social life in their communities

                             LECP 290: Engage with local Chambers of Commerce to develop a panel of suitably experienced older
          Action 31
                             people that are in a position to offer business set up and development advice and support

                             Remove barriers to participation and provide more opportunities for the continued involvement of people
          Link to NPAS       as they age in all aspects of cultural, economic and social life, in their communities according to their
                             needs, preferences and capacities

          Local Measure/
          Indicator          •  Panels established

          Lead Body          AFA

          Support Agencies   LCC / CoC / LEF

          Timeline           2016 - 2022

                             Support, link and further improve existing partnerships, strategies and initiatives that aim to remove
          HI Outcome         barriers to participation and to provide more opportunities for the involvement of older people in all
                             aspects of cultural, economic and social life in their communities
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