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Louth Local Economic and Community Plan

            The Local Government Reform Act 2014 provides a stronger and clearer role for local
            government  in  economic  development  and  community  development  which  is  a  key
            element to achieving the vision set out in the Action Plan for Effective Local Government
            “that local government will be the main vehicle of governance and public service at local
            level, leading economic, social and community development”.  The purpose of the LECP, as
            provided for in the Local Government Reform Act 2014, is to set out, over a six year period,
            the objectives and actions needed to promote and support the economic development
            and  the  local  and  community  development  of  the  relevant  local  authority  area,  both
            by itself directly and in partnership with other economic and community development

            The Vision of the Louth LECP is: “Louth will be a prosperous, proud, safe, and inclusive
            county where people want to live work and invest, and there is equal opportunity for all”.

            Healthy Ireland Framework

            Vision:  A Healthy Ireland, where everyone can enjoy physical and mental health and
                    wellbeing to their full potential, where wellbeing is valued and supported at
                    every level of society and is everyone’s responsibility.

            HI Goals: The Healthy Ireland Framework describes four high-level goals and details 64
                      actions that will work together to help achieve these goals.

            Goal 1:     Create an environment where every individual and sector of society can play their
                     part in achieving a healthy Louth

            Goal 2:  Reduce health inequalities

            Goal 3:  Protect the public from threats to health and wellbeing

            Goal 4:  Increase the proportion of people who are healthy at all stages of life
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