Page 4 - age_friendly_plan
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Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan

             County Louth is a county where everyone can enjoy physical and mental health and well-
             being to their full potential, where wellbeing is valued and supported at every level of
             society and is everyone’s responsibility.

                                                        Louth LECP

                                                       Healthy Ireland
                                                       for Louth Plan

                 Priority Theme 1:                    Priority Theme 2:                     Priority Theme 3:
                  Shared Space                        Shared Knowledge                      Shared Wellbeing

               Louth Age Friendly Plan  Louth Age Friendly Plan  Louth Age Friendly Plan  Louth Age Friendly Plan
                   2016 - 2022              2016 - 2022              2016 - 2022              2016 - 2022

              HI Goal 1: Create an environment                 HI Goal 3: Protect the Public   HI Goal 4: Increase the
              where every individual and sector   HI Goal 2: Reduce Health   from Threats to Health and   proportion of people who are
               of society can play their part in   Inequalities
                achieving a healthy Louth                             Wellbeing          healthy at all stages of life

                 Improved         Greater       Fewer people     Confident,       Thriving,   Better connectivity
               employment to   participation in   experiencing   healthy, resilient   resourceful   & more sustainable
              national average  education & skills   consistent poverty  communities  urban and rural   futures
                                development                                     communities

                                                        Louth LECP

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