Page 8 - age_friendly_plan
P. 8

LECP 275: Encourage participatory design and development of public spaces, housing and transport in
          Action 3
                             our towns and villages that anticipate the needs of older people

                             Enable people to age with confidence and dignity in their own homes and communities for as long as
          Link to NPAS

          Local Measure/     •  Increased awareness of requirements through life course facilitated by service delivery
          Indicator          •  Degrees of inclusiveness and sustainability

          Lead Body          LCC

          Support Agencies   DkIT

          Timeline           2016 - 2022

                             In creating “active friendly” environments; cycle lanes, playgrounds, well-lit paths, etc. local authorities
          HI Outcome         will engage with local communities, schools and other stakeholders to plan facilities that are
                             appropriate to the needs of the  community

                             LECP 151: Facilitate the development of community ‘hubs’/centres of shared learning in Drogheda,
          Action 4
                             Dundalk and Ardee to support community groups and organisations that involve volunteers in their work
                             Enable people to age with confidence and dignity in their own homes and communities for as long as
          Link to NPAS
                             •  No. of organisations involved in alliances and partnerships
                             •  No. of participants attending workshops, training and fora
          Local Measure/     •  No. of community organisations compliant with Governance Code and registered with Charities
                              Regulatory Authority
                             •  Research and feasibility study completed on how existing facilities/knowledge/skills can be shared

          Lead Body          LCC

          Support Agencies   LCDC / LLP / Municipal PPN / LLS / CIC’s / LVC

          Timeline           2016 - 2022
                             In creating “active friendly” environments; cycle lanes, playgrounds, well-lit paths, etc. local authorities
          HI Outcome         will engage with local communities, schools and other stakeholders to plan facilities that are
                             appropriate to the needs of the  community
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