Page 30 - age_friendly_plan
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LECP 299: Enhance enterprise support in local areas to ensure that community enterprises are
Action 34 “investment ready” at all stages of their development, including start up, early stage development and
growth phases
Enable people to age with confidence and dignity in their own homes and communities for as long as
Link to NPAS
Local Measure/
Indicator • Increased number of community enterprise projects
Lead Body LEO / LLP
Support Agencies LMETB / DSP
Timeline 2016 - 2022
Support, link and further improve existing partnerships, strategies and initiatives that aim to remove
HI Outcome barriers to participation and to provide more opportunities for the involvement of older people in all
aspects of cultural, economic and social life in their communities
Action 35 LECP 301: Create additional opportunity for the over 65’s to avail of enterprise training and support
Remove barriers to participation and provide more opportunities for the continued involvement of people
Link to NPAS as they age in all aspects of cultural, economic and social life, in their communities according to their
needs, preferences and capacities
Local Measure/ • No. of participants
Lead Body LEO
Support Agencies LMETB / DSP / CES / Louth LEADER / AFA
Timeline 2016 - 2022