Page 32 - age_friendly_plan
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LECP 154: Develop a volunteer strategy for Louth to address the barriers to volunteering, whilst
          Action 36          promoting and supporting the value of volunteering to the individual and its positive impact on local

                             Remove barriers to participation and provide more opportunities for the continued involvement of people
          Link to NPAS       as they age in all aspects of cultural, economic and social life, in their communities according to their
                             needs, preferences and capacities

                             •  Increased numbers of people volunteering especially amongst the unemployed, young, active retired
                              and groups at more risk of social exclusion
          Local Measure/     •  Research and monitor the motivations, gaps in volunteer causes/activities and volunteering levels and
          Indicator           types in Louth
                             •  Increased numbers of organisations participating in volunteer manager forums and training
                             •  Increased awareness of benefits from volunteering and local volunteer centre

          Lead Body          LVC

          Support Agencies   LCDC / LLP / DkIT / LMETB / PPN / LCC / LEA’s / HSE / Schools / CNN / AFA
          Timeline           Q1 2017

                             Analyse existing community support infrastructure to promote and enable active citizenship and
          HI Outcome
                             volunteering across the lifecycle

                             LECP 216: Develop volunteers’ programmes focusing on those who self-exclude to engage and
          Action 37
                             participate in activities
                             Remove barriers to participation and provide more opportunities for the continued involvement of people
          Link to NPAS       as they age in all aspects of cultural, economic and social life, in their communities according to their
                             needs, preferences and capacities

          Local Measure/     •  Increase in numbers participating

          Lead Body          LVC
          Support Agencies   LCC / HSE / AGS

          Timeline           Q4 2016

                             Analyse existing community support infrastructure to promote and enable active citizenship and
          HI Outcome
                             volunteering across the lifecycle
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