Page 48 - age_friendly_plan
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Action 58 LECP 271: Continue to implement and up-date the Louth Age Friendly Strategy
Remove barriers to participation and provide more opportunities for the continued involvement of people
Link to NPAS as they age in all aspects of cultural , economic and social life in their communities according to their
needs, preferences and capacities
Local Measure/ • Ongoing process with targets and Indicator(s) fulfilled
Lead Body AFA
Support Agencies LCC / HSE / AGS / DkIT / LEF / LLS / CES
Timeline 2016 - 2022
Link communications, expertise and capacity across sectors to ensure consistent, complementary, cutting
HI Outcome edge, accessible and persuasive health and wellbeing communication strategies are developed and
implemented in full
LECP 279: Create and manage a central repository, supported by a comprehensive communications
Action 59 plan to ensure that all older people in the county can access user-friendly, up-to-date, and coordinated
information and advice in relation to entitlements, services, support and activities
Remove barriers to participation and provide more opportunities for the continued involvement of people
Link to NPAS as they age in all aspects of cultural , economic and social life in their communities according to their
needs, preferences and capacities
• Age friendly website updated with a communications plan in place
Local Measure/
Indicator • No. of older people accessing information
• Links available from other service providers to this site
Lead Body AFA
Support Agencies LCC / Citizen’s Information Bureau / HSE / LMETB
Timeline 2016 - 2022
Link communications, expertise and capacity across sectors to ensure consistent, complementary, cutting
HI Outcome edge, accessible and persuasive health and wellbeing communication strategies are developed and
implemented in full