Page 51 - age_friendly_plan
P. 51

LECP 277: Strengthen the ‘living lab’ technology research partnership with DkIT, industry, care givers and
          Action 61
                             older people

                             Support and use research about people as they age to better inform policy response to population ageing
          Link to NPAS
                             in Ireland

          Local Measure/     •  Further innovation achieved via CASALA in particular with a focus on user awareness, smarter
          Indicator           environments and smarter technologies

          Lead Body          AFA

          Support Agencies   DkIT / LCC

          Timeline           2016 - 2022

          HI Outcome         Develop partnerships and tools to support integrated Social Impact Assessments

          Action 62          LECP 292: Promote an ‘evaluative culture’ to continually assess and improve the impact of actions

                             Support and use research about people as they age to better inform policy response to population ageing
          Link to NPAS
                             in Ireland

          Local Measure/
          Indicator          •  Appropriate evaluation and monitoring of all initiatives and programmes

          Lead Body          DkIT

          Support Agencies   LCC

          Timeline           2016 - 2022

          HI Outcome         Develop partnerships and tools to support integrated Social Impact Assessments

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