Page 11 - Healthy Ireland For Louth Plan
P. 11
Local Measure
No. Action Responsibility Timeline
/ Indicator
1. NPAP: Develop guidelines and LCC 2018-2022 • Guidelines
Recreation support materials for those working incorporated into
Action in developing the built environment to CDP
promote the importance of physical
2 NHWI: Develop guidelines and LCC 2018-2022 • Guidelines
support materials for those working incorporated into
in developing the built environment CDP
for urban development and planning
in relation to reducing the obesogenic
3. NPAP & Consultation: Ensure that LCC 2018-2022 • CDP incorporated
Recreation the planning, development, and principles to
Action design of towns / cities promotes encourage physical
the development of local parks and activity for all
recreational spaces that encourage abilities
physical activity of all ages. Consult
with children, young people, people
with disabilities and older people
4. Consultation: Ensure that planning, LCC 2018-2022 • CDP incorporated
Recreation development, and design of towns principles to
Action and cities promotes the development encourage passive
of local parks and recreational spaces recreation for all
that encourage passive recreation, abilities
non-sport activity, disability friendly,
age friendly, and family friendly
pleasant environments
5 LECP 275: Encourage participatory LCC supported by DkIT 2016 - Ongoing • Increased
design and development of public awareness
spaces, housing and transport in our requirements
towns and villages that anticipate the through lifecourse
needs of older age facilitated by
service delivery
• Degrees of
inclusiveness and