Page 13 - Healthy Ireland For Louth Plan
P. 13

Local Measure /
          No.          Action                           Responsibility       Timeline

          10           LECP 272: Increase the take-up and   AFA: Supported by LCC   2016-18  •  No. of towns or parts
                       impact of the number of age friendly   / HSE / CES                     of towns considered
                       towns and further initiatives in                                       ‘age-friendly’
                       existing age friendly towns
                                                                                             •  No. of age-
                                                                                              friendly initiatives

                                                                                             •  No. of initiatives held
                                                                                              in local libraries

          11           NPAP: Deliver a programme of CPD   LCC:  Supported by LSP    2018 - Ongoing  •  CPD programme
                       on the role of physical and passive   / DkIT                           sourced and
                       activity for those working in the                                      delivered
                       development of the built environment

                         Create an environment where every individual and sector
          Goal 1:
                         of society can play their part in achieving a healthy Louth

                                                   Shared Space

                                                               HI Outcome: In creating ‘active friendly’
          Objective 2 (LECP / 149): Provide safe,              environments, cycle lanes, playgrounds, well-lit
          recreational facilities/shared spaces where          paths etc., local authorities will engage with local
          children and young people can gather in an           communities, schools and other stakeholders to
          inclusive confident way                              plan facilities that are appropriate to the needs of
                                                               the community

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