Page 12 - Healthy Ireland For Louth Plan
P. 12
Local Measure /
No. Action Responsibility Timeline
6. Recreation Consultation: Maximise the use of LCC 2018-2022 • Mapping of all green
Action existing green space in urban areas spaces adjacent
providing recreational and leisure for to schools, youth
enjoyment of all ages and abilities, centres, nursing
e.g. matching green space to schools homes and day care
and youth centres, nursing homes and centres complete
day care centres
• Funding
opportunities aligned
to the mapping piece
7. Recreation NPAP: Prioritise the planning and LCC 2018-2022 • No. of walking and
Action development of walking and cycling cycling infrastructure
and general recreational/physical projects planned and
activity infrastructure. Use a long- developed
term vision when making short-term
8. Recreation LECP 251: Provide play spaces and LCC: Supported by LSP 2016 - Ongoing • Increased access
Action programmes to increase children / HSE / LMETB / LLP for young people to
and young people’s access and / Local Sports Clubs play physical activity
engagement with the physical / Youth Services / programmes in a
environment to encourage healthy Scouting Organisations community setting
lifestyles / Environmental
Organisations • No. of walking trails
and campsites
• No. of environmental
projects for young
9 LECP 328: Develop a Louth County LCC Supported by SEAI Q4 2016 • Draft SMART action
Council SMART Action Plan to plan developed as
complement the white paper - part of ISO 50001
Ireland’s Transition to a Low Carbon and a “Register of
Energy Opportunities” for
energy savings, large
and small, across LCC
in place