Page 19 - Healthy Ireland For Louth Plan
P. 19

Local Measure /
 No.  Action  Responsibility  Timeline  Reduce Health Inequalities - Communications and
 Indicator  Goal 2:

 24  NCFLP: Provide accessible   HSE  2018-2022  •  Local service   Knowledge Sharing
 information at local level on mental   directory delivered
 health service and access referral
 mechanisms                                    Shared Knowledge

 25  LECP 279 & NPAS: Create and   LAFA  Ongoing  •  Age friendly website
 manage a central repository   updated with a                  HI Outcome: Link communications expertise and
 supported by a comprehensive   communication plan   Objective 2 (LECP / 246): Improve
 communications plan to ensure that   in place  understanding of mental illness and behavioural   capacity across sectors to ensure consistent,
 all older people in the county can   issues, mental health literacy and information   complementary, cutting edge, accessible and
 access user-friendly, up-to-date and   •  No. of older        persuasive health and wellbeing communication
 coordinated information and advice   people accessing   on availability of services to support and   strategies are developed and implemented in
 to entitlements, services and activities  information  respond to individuals, carers and families  full
 •  Links available
 from other service
 providers to this site

                                                                                           Local Measure /
          No.     Action                          Responsibility           Timeline

          30      Consultation & LECP 237:        LCDC: Supported by CYPSC   2016 - Ongoing  •  No. of sports
                  Promote cross sectoral role models   / LCC / LSP / HSE / LLP               Ambassadors
                  in communities and schools to
                  encourage healthy lifestyles (healthy                                    •  No. of local medical
                  eating, alcohol consumption, drug                                          professionals as
                  abuse and mental health)                                                   advocates

                                                                                           •  Reduction in alcohol
                                                                                             consumption in sports

                                                                                           •  No. of social media

          31      NCFLP: Build the link between   HSE: Supported by CFL /   2018-2022      •  All communications
                  alcohol and drug misuse and suicidal   LDAF                                strategies proofed by
                  behaviour into communication                                               CFL Group

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