Page 23 - Healthy Ireland For Louth Plan
P. 23

Local Measure/
 No.  Action  Responsibility  Timeline  Protect the public from threats to health and wellbeing -
 Indicator  Goal 3:

 40  RHSR: Promote the participation   LCDC & PPN: Supported    2018-2022  •  Representation on Drugs   research and education
 of service users and their families   by LDAF / NERDTF  and Alcohol Fora
 in local drug and alcohol decision
 making structures                             Shared Knowledge

 41  RHSR: Improve the capacity of LCDC   HSE: Supported by LCDC  2018-2022  •  Training delivered to
 service providers to accommodate   LCDC partners
 people with drug and alcohol   Objective 1 (LECP / 181): Promote the   HI Outcome: Implement SPHE in primary, post
 addictions including; Travellers, LGBT,   •  Utilisation of Street
 new communities, sex workers and   Reach in training   implementation of SPHE, PE programme and   primary and youthreach settings, including the
 homeless people  services  Active Schools Flag initiative in primary, post   implementation of the PE programmes and the
          primary schools and youthreach settings              Active Schools Flag initiative
 42  NCFLP & LECP 242 & 243: Support   HSE Mental Health   Ongoing  •  Local Connect for Life
 local cross-sectoral implementation   Services: Supported by   Plan developed and
 to develop and implement a local   LCDC / CYPSC  implemented (LCDC,
 multi-agency suicide prevention   might want to identify
 action plan  priorities in local plan                                                 Local Measure /
 see 6.2, 4.1 & 5.2 of   No.  Action               Responsibility       Timeline       Indicator

          45      NHWI: Use an "all county approach"    HSE: Supported by DES   2018 -   •  No. of schools implementing
 43.   LECP 228: Develop a collaborative   HSE: Supported by   2016 -   •  Sports Strategy   to link agencies and professionals to   / LMETB / LSP  Ongoing  the healthy lifestyles
 Recreation   plan to promote increased physical   LSP / LCDC / LMETB /   Ongoing  developed  provide evidence based programmes   programme
 Action  activity levels across the lifecourse  GAA / Schools / Local   •  Sports Ireland   to schools to implement healthy
 Employers  programmes   lifestyles programme. Healthy Ireland
 implemented      education in schools
 •  No. of water safety   46  TFI: Introduce smoke free school   LMETB / DES / TUSLA /   2018-2022  •  No. of participating schools
 courses          campuses and childcare facilities  Preschool Inspectorate              and childcare facilities
 •  Access to cycle paths,
 public green spaces,
 playgrounds, age friendly   47  NHWI & LECP 233: Implement   HSE: Supported by   2016-2022  •  No. of Schools implementing
 exercise equipment, safe   healthy food policies through SPHE   Schools / LCC / LSP     healthy food policies
 footpaths and pedestrian   Programme in post primary and   / CYPSC / Schools            through SPHE
 connectivity     Youthreach settings              Principals Network
 44.   LECP 231: Develop and promote   LCC: Supported by LSP /  Ongoing  •  Walking and cycling   48  NCFLP: Deliver a range of mental   Youth Services /   2018-2022  •  No. of programmes
 Recreation   walking and cycling strategies  DECLG / GIW  strategies implemented   health and sexual health promoting   Schools:  Supported by   delivered
 Action  in local communities  programmes in education settings   CYPSC / DES / HSE
                  aimed at improving the mental and                                    •  Delivery of Lets Talk Sex
                  sexual health of the students                                          Programme

                                                                                       •  Delivery of Wrapping up you
                                                                                         Wellbeing Project
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