Page 18 - Healthy Ireland For Louth Plan
P. 18

Local Measure /
          No.         Action                           Responsibility       Timeline

          24          NCFLP: Provide accessible        HSE                  2018-2022         •  Local service
                      information at local level on mental                                     directory delivered
                      health service and access referral

          25          LECP 279 & NPAS: Create and      LAFA                 Ongoing           •  Age friendly website
                      manage a central repository                                              updated with a
                      supported by a comprehensive                                             communication plan
                      communications plan to ensure that                                       in place
                      all older people in the county can
                      access user-friendly, up-to-date and                                    •  No. of older
                      coordinated information and advice                                       people accessing
                      to entitlements, services and activities                                 information
                                                                                              •  Links available
                                                                                               from other service
                                                                                               providers to this site

          26          Consultation: Maximise the       PPN: Supported by                      •  www.
                      distribution of the online directory   CYPSC / The Genesis               helpformychild.
             through the   Programme                            ie distributed
                      Friday Communiqué                                                        through the Friday
                                                                                               Communiqué on a
                                                                                               weekly basis

          27          Provide local transport information   Flexibus / Local Link             •  New methods
                      programme availability & cost of                                         of RTP service
                      trip with regards to classes, talks,                                     information
                      workshops, nights/weekend activity                                       available

          28.         LECP 229 & NPAP: Promote, educate   LSP:  Supported by LLP              •  Communications
          Recreation  and communicate the benefits of   / HSE / LLS                            strategy developed
          Action      physical activity throughout the
                      county                                                                  •  No. of promotions
                                                                                               per annum across
                                                                                               the life of the HI for
                                                                                               Louth Plan

          29          NCFLP: Develop mental health     HSE: Supported by    2018-2022         •  No. of health
                      promotion programmes with priority   relevant PPN Groups /               projects completed
                      groups including the youth sector  CYPSC

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