Page 26 - Healthy Ireland For Louth Plan
P. 26
Objective 1 (LECP / 154):
Local Measure /
No. Action Responsibility Timeline
55 LECP 154: Develop a volunteering LVC 2017 • Volunteering Strategy
strategy for Louth developed
56 LECP 157: Develop a Quality Standard LVC 2017 • Quality Standard developed
for effectively managing volunteers
within community organisations • No. of organisations
• No. of organisations with QS
57 LECP 282: Encourage older people AFA: Supported by 2016 - • No. of older people
to engage in their communities by LCC / SVP / TT / ICA Ongoing involved in TT, ICA, Arts,
promoting active citizenship and the / LVC sporting activities and
value of volunteering intergenerational projects