Page 31 - Healthy Ireland For Louth Plan
P. 31
Local Measure /
No. Action Responsibility Timeline
70 NPAP & LECP 241: Extend existing and LSP: Supported by LCC / 2016 - Ongoing • No. of programmes
developing programmes for physical SI / HSE / NGB developed
activity for people with disabilities and
their families to enhance and deliver a • No. of participants
comprehensive health and wellbeing engaging
Increase the proportion of people who are healthy at all
Goal 4:
stages of life
Shared Wellbeing
Objective 5 (LECP / 235): Support, link
and further improve existing partnerships, HI Outcome: Support, link and further improve
strategies and initiatives that aim to improve existing partnerships, strategies and initiatives
that aim to improve the capacity of parents,
the capacity of parents, carers and families to carers and families to support healthier choices
support healthier choices for their children and for their children and themselves
Local Measure /
No. Action Responsibility Timeline
Local Measure / Indicator
No. Action Responsibility Timeline
71 RHSR: Further strengthen services NERDTF / FASN 2018-2022 • Opportunities under HI funding
68 NPAP: Conduct an annual physical LSP 2018 - • Annual SIDO and Operation to support families affected by explored, developed and
activity promotion campaign Ongoing Transformation campaign substance misuse delivered where possible
72 RHSR: Provide addiction services HSE - Drug Addiction 2018-2022 • Appointment of CNM to
for pregnant and postnatal Services / NERDTF addiction services. Monitor
women closely with doctor in HSE
69 LECP 234: Develop programmes to LSP: Supported by LCDC 2017 • Increased no. of participants
address transitions and drop out for / LCC / CYPSC returning to some form of
physical activity and sport physical activity and/or sport • Prioritise harm prevention and