Page 22 - Disability Inclusion Plan
P. 22

LECP 153: Support and promote community participation and facilitate cross-community representation
          Action 25
                             on local structures e.g. LCDC, JPS, SPCs, etc.

                             Action 33: Embed a culture and process of early engagement with people with disabilities in mainstream
          Link to NDIS
                             service design and evaluation

          Local Measure/     •  Representation in place and structures operating effectively

          Lead Body          LCC

          Support Agencies   TUSLA / DSP / LLP / Local Schools / Youth Services / LMETB / DkIT

          Timeline           2016

                             Examine, rationalise and streamline the work of intersectoral groups, link areas of common interest and
          HI Outcome
                             provide for policy development and implementation

                             NDIS 33: Embed a culture and process of early engagement with people with disabilities in mainstream
          Action 26
                             service design and evaluation

                             Action 33: Embed a culture and process of early engagement with people with disabilities in mainstream
          Link to NDIS
                             service design and evaluation

          Local Measure/
          Indicator          •  Ongoing engagement structures in place and being implemented

          Lead Body          LCC

          Support Agencies   LCDC / LLP / HSE / PPN

          Timeline           2016

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