Page 26 - Disability Inclusion Plan
P. 26
Action 31 LECP 262: Ensure that young people have information and access to appropriate services and supports
Action 46: Ensure that all training courses offered to people with disabilities provide real value,
are worthwhile, motivate and challenge participants, and support each individual to reach their full
Link to NDIS development potential. Assist persons with disabilities by providing proper guidance concerning further
education, training, and career options. Create opportunities for persons with disabilities to experience
training, work experience and employment sampling during their school years
Local Measure/ • No. of information sites in county per MD
Indicator • No. of information campaigns at critical chronological hot spots i.e. exam time – Halloween, etc.
Lead Body CYPSC
Support Agencies HSE / TUSLA / CNN / Youth Services
Timeline 2016 - 2022