Page 31 - Disability Inclusion Plan
P. 31

LECP 244: Provide accessible, user friendly, coordinated mental health services emphasising children at
          Action 38
                             risk and specific to the needs of adolescents 13-18 and other young people

                             Action 58: Invest in the development of early intervention services which specifically target mental
          Link to NDIS
                             health needs of infants, young children, and their families
                             •  Memorandum of understanding adopting a multi-disciplinary approach addressing children and
          Local Measure/
          Indicator           adolescent Mental Health Services developed between HSE and TUSLA
                             •  ‘Headstrong’ early intervention service in operation across the county
          Lead Body          HSE / TUSLA

          Support Agencies   CYPSC / CAMHS

          Timeline           2016

                             Combine mental health promotion programmes with interventions that address broader determinants
          HI Outcome         and social problems as part of a multi-agency approach, particularly in areas with levels of socio-
                             economic deprivation and fragmentation

                             LECP 247: Adopt a cross-agency approach to ensure that universal services and supports are in place for
          Action 39
                             all children and young people, particularly engaging with those who are most excluded or at risk

                             Action 58: Invest in the development of early intervention services which specifically target mental
          Link to NDIS
                             health needs of infants, young children and their families

                             •  Targeted engagement with young people with disabilities, seldom heard young people, members of the
                              traveller community and those from new communities
          Local Measure/     •  No.'s accessing services
                             •  Continued enhancement and development of partnership between FE and HE in Louth NEFHEA (North
                              East Further Higher Education Alliance)

          Lead Body          CYPSC

          Support Agencies   HSE / TUSLA / LCC / LLP / AGS / LMETB / PPN / DkIT

          Timeline           2016 - 2022

                             Agree a method and timeline to explore the potential contribution of inter-agency CYPSC to improve the
          HI Outcome
                             health and wellbeing of families and communities
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