Page 35 - Disability Inclusion Plan
P. 35

LECP 152: Review the current Sports Strategy and ensure participation in sports and physical activities in
          Action 43

                             Action 77: We will fully support persons with disability in the achievement of active citizenship and
          Link to NDIS

          Local Measure/     •  Sports Strategy developed
          Indicator          • Increase in number of people participating

          Lead Body          LCC (LSP)

          Support Agencies   Local Sports Clubs / Schools / Youth Clubs

          Timeline           2016
                             Develop a plan to promote increased physical activity levels across the population, as an example of how
          HI Outcome
                             HI will work

                             LECP 211: Ensure library and arts services provide opportunities for marginalised communities and
          Action 44
                             people with disabilities to have access to and participate in mainstream arts and cultural activities

                             Action 77: Foster disability awareness and competence in voluntary, sporting, cultural and other
          Link to NDIS       organisations. Will ensure that disability inclusion is fully integrated into funding programmes,
                             monitored, and linked to further funding

          Local Measure/
          Indicator          •  Increased involvement and engagement with arts and library services

          Lead Body          LCC (Library Services/Arts Service)

          Support Agencies   LLP
          Timeline           2016 - 2022

                             Address and prioritise health literacy in developing future policy, educational and information
          HI Outcome
   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40