Page 34 - Disability Inclusion Plan
P. 34

LECP 228: Develop collaborative plans at local level to promote increased physical activity levels across
          Action 41
                             the lifecourse

                             Action 77: We will fully support persons with disability in the achievement of active citizenship and
          Link to NDIS
                             •  Sports Strategy developed
                             •  'Parkrun’ implemented where possible
                             •  Sport Ireland programmes implemented
          Local Measure/
          Indicator          •  No. of water safety training courses being delivered
                             •  Communities mobilised, collaborative initiatives operating and meeting targets
                             •  More access to cycle paths, public green spaces, playgrounds with all-weather play infrastructure and
                              age friendly exercise equipment, safe secure footpaths and pedestrian connectivity

          Lead Body          HSE & LSP (LCC)

          Support Agencies   LCDC / LMETB / GAA / Schools / Local Employers

          Timeline           2016 - 2022

                             Develop a plan to promote increased physical activity levels across the population, as an example of how
          HI Outcome
                             HI will work

                             LECP 241: Extend existing and developing programmes for physical activity for people with disabilities
          Action 42
                             and their families to enhance and deliver a comprehensive health and wellbeing programme

                             Action 77: We will fully support persons with disability in the achievement of active citizenship and
          Link to NDIS

          Local Measure/     •  No. of programmes developed
          Indicator          •  No. of participants engaging

          Lead Body          LSP

          Support Agencies   LCC / SI / HSE / NGB

          Timeline           2016 - 2022

                             Develop a plan to promote increased physical activity levels across the population, as an example of how
          HI Outcome
                             HI will work
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