Page 38 - Disability Inclusion Plan
P. 38

LECP 246: Improve understanding of mental illness and behavioural issues, mental health literacy and
          Action 46
                             information on availability of services to support and respond to individuals, carers, and families

                             OBJ: Children and adults with disabilities have timely access to assessment and early intervention, and
          Link to NDIS
                             the therapy, rehabilitation or mental health services they require
          Local Measure/     •  Support mental health and intellectual disability awareness information campaigns
          Lead Body          HSE

          Support Agencies   LCDC / LLP / CYPSC

          Timeline           2016 - 2022

                             Link communications expertise and capacity across sectors to ensure consistent, complementary, cutting
          HI Outcome         edge, accessible and persuasive health and wellbeing communication strategies are developed and
                             implemented in full

                             LECP 242: Support the local cross-sectoral implementation structures to implement Connecting for Life –
          Action 47
                             Ireland’s National Strategy to reduce suicide (2015-2020)
                             OBJ: Children and adults with disabilities have timely access to assessment and early intervention, and
          Link to NDIS
                             the therapy, rehabilitation, or mental health services they require

          Local Measure/     •  Percentage reduction in number of suicides

          Lead Body          HSE

          Support Agencies   CYPSC / Addiction Services / TUSLA

          Timeline           2016 - 2022

                             Develop strategies to enhance social connectedness across the life course and to connect people most
                             in need to resources, services, education and healthcare. Local Health Partners will engage with local
                             authorities in their work to address local and community development, with the aim of co-ordinating
          HI Outcome
                             actions and improving information sharing for improved health and wellbeing. Examine, rationalise,
                             and streamline the work of intersectoral groups, link areas of common interest and provide for policy
                             development and implementation
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