Page 39 - Disability Inclusion Plan
P. 39

Action 48          LECP 243: Support the implementation of community-based suicide prevention programmes and training

                             OBJ: Children and adults with disabilities have timely access to assessment and early intervention, and
          Link to NDIS
                             the therapy, rehabilitation, or mental health services they require
          Local Measure/
          Indicator          •  No. of programmes delivered
          Lead Body          HSE

          Support Agencies   LLP / CYPSC/ LCDC / Louth SOSAD

          Timeline           2016 - 2022

                             Develop strategies to enhance social connectedness across the life course and to connect people most
                             in need to resources, services, education and healthcare. Local Health Partners will engage with local
                             authorities in their work to address local and community development, with the aim of co-ordinating
          HI Outcome
                             actions and improving information sharing for improved health and wellbeing. Examine, rationalise,
                             and streamline the work of intersectoral groups, link areas of common interest, and provide for policy
                             development and implementation

                             LECP 263: Provide online safety programmes for all young people to include cyber bullying, social media
          Action 49
                             safety and identity fraud

                             OBJ: Children and adults with disabilities have timely access to assessment and early intervention, and
          Link to NDIS
                             the therapy, rehabilitation, or mental health services they require

                             •  No. of online safety programmes delivered
          Local Measure/     •  No. of young people attending online safety programmes
                             •  No. of parents’ sessions for online safety

          Lead Body          DES

          Support Agencies   LLP, AGS, Youth Services

          Timeline           2016
   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44