Page 36 - Healthy Ireland For Louth Plan
P. 36
Local Measure /
No. Action Responsibility Timeline
86 NCFLP: Promote suicide prevention Youth Services & 2018-2022 • No. of programmes complete
programmes across primary and Schools: Supported
post primary schools and centres of by HSE Mental Health
education Services
87 Consultation: Support Social LLP / PPN / CYPSC / IFA 2018-2022 • No. of programmes delivered
Farming Programmes and Animal
Therapy Programmes
Increase the proportion of people who are healthy at all
Goal 4:
stages of life
Shared Wellbeing
Objective 9 (LECP / 247): Adopt a cross-agency
approach to ensure that universal services and HI Outcome: Agree a method and timeline
to explore the potential contribution of
supports are in place for all children and young interagency, CYPSC to improve the health and
people, particularly engaging with those who wellbeing of families and communities
are most excluded or at risk
Local Measure /
No. Action Responsibility Timeline
88. NPAP: Include physical CYPSC 2018-2022 • CYPSC plan developed,
Recreation activity in the development encompassing physical activity
Action plans of CYPSC plans
89 NCFLP: Support anti-bullying Youth Services and 2018-2022 • No. of programmes delivered
programmes including online Genesis Programme:
homophobic bullying Supported by HIF • Implementation of KiVa