Page 34 - Healthy Ireland For Louth Plan
P. 34
Increase the proportion of people who are healthy at all
Goal 4:
stages of life
Shared Wellbeing
HI Outcome: Combine mental health promotion
programmes with interventions that address
Objective 7 (LECP / 243): Support the broader determinants and social problems as
implementation of community-based suicide
prevention programmes and training part of a multi-agency approach, particularly in
areas with levels of socio-economic deprivation
and fragmentation
Local Measure /
No. Action Responsibility Timeline
79 NPAP: Develop guidelines, support HSE: Supported by LCDC / 2018-2022 • Guidelines developed
materials and referral pathways PPN
to promote physical activity for
organisations providing mental health
services and disability services
80 RHSR: Improve outcomes for people HSE: Supported by NERDTF 2018-2022 • Appointment of HE
with co-morbid, severe mental illness / LDAF doctor 2 days/week in
and substance misuse problems Louth
81 RHSR & LECP 249: Provide counselling HSE: Supported by relevant 2016 - • Decrease in the no. of
for mental health problems at both PPN members Ongoing mental health issues
primary and secondary levels
• No. of counselling
82 RHSR & Consultation: Support the LMETB / DES / DkIT / TUSLA 2018-2022 • No. of interventions and
development of Student Support Teams teams supported
for the management of critical incidents
83 RHSR: Continue to target a reduction HSE - Drug Addiction 2018-2022 • Appointment of HE
in drug related deaths and non-fatal Services doctor 2 days/week in
overdoses Louth