Page 38 - Healthy Ireland For Louth Plan
P. 38
Increase the proportion of people who are healthy at all
Goal 4:
stages of life
Shared Wellbeing
Objective 10 (LECP / 274): Build on the
Genio-supported ‘Flourishing with Dementia’ HI Outcome: Support, link and further improve
collaborative programme to foster a ‘dementia existing partnerships and initiatives that aim to
friendly’ supportive environment support older people to maintain, improve or
manage their physical and mental wellbeing.
Support, link and further improve existing
partnerships, strategies and initiatives that
aim to remove barriers to participation and to
provide more opportunities for the involvement
Objective 10 (LECP / 278): Increase the impact of older people in all aspects of cultural,
and effectiveness of informal and formal economic and social life in their communities
community care services for older people
including home care packages
Local Measure /
No. Action Responsibility Timeline
96 Consultation: Develop a dementia LOPF: Supported by the 2018 • Awareness programme
awareness programme for families and Birches / HSE developed and
carers of people with dementia to support evaluated
their client/loved one through the health
97 RHSR: Implement the IPS Prisoner Release AFA: Supported by 2018-2022 • Pilot project developed
Policy to ensure care, treatment and Community Mental and delivered
information is provided for older people Health Services
leaving prison. This will include links with • Learnings taken from
the community mental health services the pilot applied