Page 39 - Healthy Ireland For Louth Plan
P. 39

98     RHSR: Improve the response to the needs of   AFA: Supported by   2018-2022  •  No. of projects delivered
                 older people with long-term substance use   LDAF                           through the various
                 issues                                                                     possible grant schemes
                                                                                            and the HI fund

          99     Consultation: Support mental health and   AFA / LOPF       2018-2022     •  No. of projects delivered
                 wellbeing actions for older people living  in                              through the various
                 isolated rural areas including pre-retirement                              possible grant schemes
                 planning connecting individuals to their                                   and the HI fund
                 communities and the business community

          100    Consultation: Support informal family   AFA: Supported by HSE   2018-2022  •  No. of programmes
                 carers through formal & informal supports  / LOPF                          supported

          101    Consultation: Create training programmes   LLP / DSP       2018-2022     •  Training programmes
                 for early school leavers to become home                                    complete
                 helps for older people. Similar to the Ogra

          102    LECP 288: Extend "The Parlour" and "Men's   LCDC supported by AFA   2016  •  Increased flexible
                 Sheds" initiatives across the county to   / HSE / DkIT                     employment
                 enhance social connectedness                                               opportunities for older

                         Increase the proportion of people who are healthy at all
          Goal 4:
                         stages of life

                                                Shared Wellbeing

          Objective 11 (LECP / 288): Work with the DSP         HI Outcome: Support, link and further improve
          to develop and promote employment options            existing partnerships, strategies and initiatives
          (including options for gradual retirement) for       that aim to remove barriers to participation
          people as they age and identify any barriers         and to provide more opportunities for the
          (legislative, attitudinal, custom and practice)      involvement of older people in all aspects
          to continued employment and training                 of cultural, economic and social life in their
          opportunities                                        communities

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