Page 18 - Healthy Ireland Main Plan
P. 18

Goal 3:

          Objective 2 (LECP / 292):


         No.         Action                            Responsibility       Timeline           Measure/

         50          LECP 277: Strengthen the ‘living lab’   AFA: Supported by DkIT   Ongoing  •  Further innovation
                     technology research partnership with   / LCC                               achieved via
                     DkIT, industry, care givers and older                                      Netwell/CASALA
                     people                                                                     in particular
                                                                                                with a focus on
                                                                                                user awareness,
                                                                                                and smarter

         51          LECP 220: Provide a service delivery,   LCDC: Supported by   As directed by Dept  •  Monitoring and
                     monitoring and review framework for   DkIT / LCC / LLP / HSE               review protocol
                     the LECP                                                                   agreed

         52          Support Research and analysis on   DkIT - Netwell/CASALA  Ongoing         •  No. and range of
                     health and social wellbeing of older                                       research projects
                     people                                                                     delivered

         53          Share examples of evidence based   HSE: Supported by   2018-2022          •  No. of healthy
                     programmes to address exercise,   LCDC                                     eating, smoking
                     healthy eating, smoking cessation and                                      cessation and
                     mental health                                                              mental health
         54          Consultation: Tap into the expertise   LMETB: Supported by   2018-2022    •  Engagement with
                     of youth organisations working with   DkIT /Youth Service /                PPN Youth Social
                     young people to improve healthy   LCDC / HSE / TUSLA                       Inclusion group
                     lifestyles                                                                 as a reference
                                                                                                group for all
                                                                                                youth health

                                                                                               •  Completion of
                                                                                                Louth Youth Needs
                                                                                                Analysis Report
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