Page 16 - Healthy Ireland Main Plan
P. 16
Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022
Local Measure/
No. Action Responsibility Timeline
36 LECP 273: Improve access to AFA: Supported by HSE / 2016-2022 • Plan conceived
resources, services, lifelong learning LLP / AGS / SVP / LMETB
and healthcare / LLS / CES • No. of programmes
run by local libraries
supporting age-friendly
initiatives e.g. computer
skills development
37 NSHP: Ensure that all young people Youth Services - Louth: 2018-2022 • No. of sexual health
have access and knowledge of Supported by CYPSC / awareness projects
age-appropriate, trustworthy and HSE / PPN & Youthreach complete
accurate information and support on (Louth)
relationships and sexual health
38 NPAP: Include children and young LCDC: Supported by PPN 2018 - • Implementation of
people in the development and / CYPSC / CNN Ongoing National Participation
implementation of programmes in Strategy for Young
which they are involved People
39 RHSR & LECP 153: Support and LCC: Supported by PPN 2016 • Continued PPN
promote community participation engagement at
and facilitate cross-community community level
representation on local structures and supported PPN
e.g. LCDC JPS, SPCs etc engagement as a
representative structure
on decision making
40 RHSR: Promote the participation LCDC & PPN: Supported 2018-2022 • Representation on Drugs
of service users and their families by LDAF / NERDTF and Alcohol Fora
in local drug and alcohol decision
making structures
41 RHSR: Improve the capacity of LCDC HSE: Supported by LCDC 2018-2022 • Training delivered to
service providers to accommodate LCDC partners
people with drug and alcohol
addictions including; Travellers, LGBT, • Utilisation of Street
new communities, sex workers and Reach in training
homeless people services
42 NCFLP & LECP 242 & 243: Support HSE Mental Health Ongoing • Local Connect for Life
local cross-sectoral implementation Services: Supported by Plan developed and
to develop and implement a local LCDC / CYPSC implemented
multi-agency suicide prevention
action plan
43. LECP 228: Develop a collaborative HSE: Supported by 2016 - • Sports Strategy
Recreation plan to promote increased physical LSP / LCDC / LMETB / Ongoing developed
Action activity levels across the lifecourse GAA / Schools / Local • Sports Ireland
• No. of water safety
• Access to cycle paths,
public green spaces,
playgrounds, age
friendly exercise
equipment, safe
footpaths and
pedestrian connectivity
44. LECP 231: Develop and promote LCC: Supported by LSP / Ongoing • Walking and cycling
Recreation walking and cycling strategies DECLG / GIW strategies implemented
Action in local communities