Page 15 - Healthy Ireland Main Plan
P. 15
Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022
Reduce Health Inequalities - Communications and
Goal 2:
Knowledge Sharing
Shared Knowledge
Objective 3 (LECP / 143): Support programmes HI Outcome: Develop collaborative strategies to
that involve knowledge sharing and enhance social connections across the life course
collaboration amongst community groups and and to connect people most in need of resources,
service providers services, education and healthcare
No. Action Responsibility Timeline
32 LECP 211: Ensure library and arts LCC (Library/Arts 2016-2022 • Increased involvement and
services provide opportunities Services): Supported by engagement with arts and
for marginalised communities LLP library services
and people with disabilities to
have access to and participate
in mainstream arts and cultural
33 LECP 188: Work in partnership LMETB: Supported by Qtr 2 2017 • No. of programmes offered
to support and promote literacy LLS / LLP / The Mill / by local libraries
development, e-learning Creative Spark
opportunities, independent • No. attending local library
lifelong learning and preparation training modules
for employment
• Community based adult
education programme
delivered in collaboration
with LLP and NUIM
34 LECP 225: Ensure that Libraries LCC: Supported by 2016 - 2022 • Library facilities upgraded
support social and cultural LMETB / LLP / AFA to include large scale
cohesion and inclusion where / Local Schools / multi-functional buildings
people can exercise their Community Groups with interconnecting
democratic right to information, supports
ideas and knowledge
• No. of volunteers and
volunteer hours in arts and
culture organisations
35. LECP 253: Increase young LCC: supported by 2016-2022 • Increased opportunities for
Recreation people’s access to informal LMETB / CNN / Louth’s young people to engage
Action educational, recreational and 3 Youth Theatres: DYC, in the arts, music and a
cultural activities and resources Drogheda Boomerang variety of sport including
Café / Sports Clubs / technology and associated
Comhaltas Ceoltóirí media
Éireann / DkIT / Schools • No. of young people
/ Community Groups accessing services, No. of
/ LLS / LVC / ODD / services by MD
Foróige / YWI (Louth)
• No. of volunteers
supporting youth activity
• No. of young people
accessing libraries as
study/recreational spaces
• No. of visits by library
service to primary schools