Page 13 - Healthy Ireland Main Plan
P. 13
Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022
Reduce Health Inequalities - Communications and
Goal 2:
Knowledge Sharing
Shared Knowledge
HI Outcome: Link communications expertise and
Objective 1 (LECP / 144): Expand the existing capacity across sectors to ensure consistent,
community directory to ensure that it is complementary, cutting edge, accessible and
accessible, accurate and used widely by the persuasive health and wellbeing communication
public strategies are developed and implemented in
No. Action Responsibility Timeline Measure/
22 Consultation: Expand and increase LCC / PPN 2018 - Ongoing • Increase in
the distribution of the Friday recipients for
Communiqué weekly Friday
• Increase in usage
by membership of
23. NPAP: Develop a local sports LSP 2018 - Ongoing • Sports club directory
Recreation directory maintained
• Sports, physical
activities & facilities
directory developed
• Sports and physical
activity programme
directory developed
24 NCFLP: Provide accessible HSE 2018-2022 • Local service
information at local level on mental directory delivered
health service and access referral
25 LECP 279 & NPAS: Create and LAFA Ongoing • Age friendly website
manage a central repository updated with a
supported by a comprehensive communication plan
communications plan to ensure that in place
all older people in the county can
access user-friendly, up-to-date and • No. of older
coordinated information and advice people accessing
to entitlements, services and activities information
• Links available
from other service
providers to this site