Page 11 - Healthy Ireland Main Plan
P. 11

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

                         Create an environment where every individual and sector
          Goal 1:
                         of society can play their part in achieving a healthy Louth

                                                   Shared Space

                                                               HI Outcome: In creating ‘active friendly’
          Objective 2 (LECP / 149): Provide safe,              environments, cycle lanes, playgrounds, well-lit
          recreational facilities/shared spaces where          paths etc., local authorities will engage with local
          children and young people can gather in an           communities, schools and other stakeholders to
          inclusive confident way                              plan facilities that are appropriate to the needs of
                                                               the community


          No.         Action                           Responsibility       Timeline        Measure/

          12          RHSR: Facilitate increased use of   LMETB             2018-2022       •  Where feasible an
                      school buildings, where feasible, for                                  increased usage of
                      afterschool care and out of hours, to                                  school buildings for
                      support local communities                                              afterschool care

          13          TFI & RHSR: Promote tobacco      LCDC                 2018-2022       •  No. of tobacco free
                      free campuses for all healthcare,                                      campuses among LCDC
                      governmental and sporting facilities                                   membership
                      in consultation with stakeholders

          14          TFI & RHSR: Promote tobacco free   LCC: Supported by Pre-  2018-2022  •  Signs erected at parks
                      environments, in particular, at parks   school Inspectorate            and beaches
                      and beaches and further develop the
                      tobacco free playgrounds initiative                                   •  Tobacco free
                      by voluntary measures or by the                                        playgrounds initiative
                      introduction of bye-laws                                               progressed

          15.         LECP 314: Promote recreational   LCC                  2016-2022       •  Improved public health
          Recreation   benefits and raise awareness about                                    and wellbeing
          Action      the Great Eastern Greenway, Louth’s
                      cycle ways, walkways and mountain                                     •  Increased number of
                      trails                                                                 visitors to rural Louth

          16.         Consultation: Facilitate the provision   LCDC: Supported by   2018-2022  •  No. of grant aided
          Recreation   and refurbishment of community   LLP / PPN                            community spaces
          Action      centres to be used as shared space for                                 through the CEP, HI,
                      young and older people                                                 T&V

          17          Consultation: Develop a new DkIT   DkIT               2018-2022       •  New DkIT Healthy
                      Healthy Campus Plan                                                    Campus Plan

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