Page 12 - Healthy Ireland Main Plan
P. 12
Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022
Create an environment where every individual and sector
Goal 1:
of society can play their part in achieving a healthy Louth
Shared Space
HI Outcome: In creating ‘active friendly’
Objective 3 (LECP / 151): Facilitate the environments, cycle lanes, playgrounds, well-lit
development of community hubs/centres of paths etc., local authorities will engage with local
shared learning in Drogheda, Dundalk and Ardee
to support community groups and organisations communities, schools and other stakeholders to
that involve volunteers in their work plan facilities that are appropriate to the needs of
the community
No. Action Responsibility Timeline Measure/
18 LECP 214: Increase the provision of LCC: Supported by 2016-2022 • No. of shared spaces
shared spaces and services and work Louth LEADER / available
to decrease the physical barriers Community Groups /
between communities PEACE 4 • Increased community
19. LECP 261: Provide safe places for LCC: Supported by 2016-2018 • No. of youth cafes/
Recreation young people where they can socialise LMETB / CYPSC / hangouts for young
Action and interact in a positive manner Community & Youth people across the
Groups / CNN / DYC / county
Boomerang / ODD /
YWI / Louth Foróige • No. of young people
20 LECP 280: Ensure that older people Flexibus / LCDC 2016-2022 • No. of rural transport
“get out and about” through schemes and routes
the provision of safe, accessible,
affordable and flexible transport
systems with seamless connectivity
between these systems in both rural
and urban areas
LECP 198: Extend availability of rural
transport scheme to facilitate people
living with disabilities in isolated
areas access employment
21 Consultation: Expand the RTP to Flexibus / LCDC 2018 - Ongoing • Pilot evening service
cover evening services through its delivered
various schemes facilitating transport
to leisure, recreational and social • Learnings applied to
activity for all ages Louth RTP service